The purpose of this place

This is a blog cum portfolio dedicated to showcasing my finalised work.

As I am a recent graduate, most of the work that you’ll see here will be project work completed at university.  I shall also upload examples of my personal work that I feel comes up to portfolio standard as and when they are finished.

20th November 2008 at 3:03 am

Pixel Art Limited Brief

Here is a project from my second year at university.

We were given a brief in which we were instructed to create a 30 second emotional vignette in Maya with a limited polygon allowance. We were also given the option of using After Effects in place of Maya.

Me and my partner Rob chose to use After Effects mainly because it was a package neither of us had really used before and we wanted to see what we were capable of achieving.
Rob was in charge of the art and I focused on the animations. It turned out rather well for our first foray into After Effects.

Here is the downloadable version of the animation. The file is 96.92mb in .avi format.

20th November 2008 at 4:56 am
